In 280 gr. lukewarm water add the oil and yeast (the yeast is contained in the package); In a large bowl pour the Easy Bake mixture and then add the water. Knead until it becomes an elastic and smooth dough. Cover and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Cut the dough into two equal parts and spread them with the help of a rolling pin. Cover and let them rest in a warm place until they double in volume (about 50 minutes).

Spread 2 tbsp. praline, 1 tbsp. mascarpone and 4-5 slices of banana on each dough. Optionally, add a little granola with dark chocolate. Bake in a preheated oven, at 200°C, for 20 minutes.

Tip: For smaller calzones you can instead of two pieces cut the dough into four creating four calzones. In this case, adjust the baking time slightly downwards.