40 minutes

10 minutes

Aplly a baking sheet to a 27x21 cm pan. Spread the mixture evenly, dissolving any aggregates
Then squeeze it well, with our palm or a spatula, so that doesn't have gaps
Bake in preheated oven at 180°C for 8-10 minutes
Cut to desired size (in 18 pieces), before cooling
Allow the bars to cool for about 20 mnutes
Put the milky baking chocolate in a steel bowl and melt it in a bun (ie, place the bowl over a small saucepan with simmering water). Remove the bowl from the heat and mix with a pastry spatula until it is completely smooth
Dip the half bars in the chocolate and place them on a baking tray to cool and solidify the chocolate
Put the white baking chocolate and cream milk in a steel bowl and melt it in the same way (ben mari). Dip the remaining bars in white chocolate and place them on a baking tray
In order to solidify the chocolates faster, we put the bars in the refrigerator. During the warmer months (spring & summer), we keep the bars in airtight taps in the refrigerator